Cafes and coffee houses are places everyone tends to hang out at these days. They are a social hub with usually great food and even greater drinks. But have you ever wondered what design and overall aspects aid make these spaces more inviting while also remaining modern, artsy and very hip? Well then wonder no more, because here is all the information you need about what makes a coffee house all the rage these days:
Artsy Food and Drinks
Lattes these days tend to be more popular if they have really cool patterns or art in them. The food too gets a lot of hype if it looks well-plated and well-decorated because then it is appreciated more. If it is not picture-worthy, then it is unlikely that it is presented very well. The food and drinks at any café will truly make or break its success, so pay extra attention to these elements.
Chalkboards with Messages
A new thing these days is to have a chalkboard with handwritten quotes that inspire people and other such messages that will leave an impression. These days there is almost always quotes and what-not hanging from or painted on the walls. It seems to be a trend that has really caught on. And usually, these quotes tend to put a smile on the customers face, which is more than any café owner can ask for.
Decorative Pieces
Artwork and random collaborations of what the owner of the café is most passionate about make for a far more interesting coffee house! So be quirky and creative. Even things like cafe blinds need to stand out in a good way. Because whether you realize it or not this makes a huge difference in how the space looks. Everything needs to be memorable and innovative, so do not hold back in any way. Put in some extra finances and effort to make the space absolutely perfect. Hang up cool artwork too because it gives peoples something to look at and talk about.
Events and Cool Prizes
Hosting events every once in a while is a definite way to boost the level of coolness of any café. Hold competitions like quizzes, slam poetry and various other things for your customers. And you can even have games between the employees while the customers watch to see who can create the best coffee and latte art. The winner needs to get a grand prize so that your café gets all the hype.
So now you know that most of what makes a coffee house a ‘happening’ place is basically the aesthetics and food. Each new eatery tries to make itself appear as Instagram worthy as possible in order to gain more popularity and therefore a larger customer base. No matter what you thought of before, now you know that there is so much that goes into café designs and ideas in order to make it look cool so that it attracts the general public.